
Do you love to travel and explore new places, cultures, and experiences? Do you want to make the most of your time and money while travelling? If yes, then you need a globe-trotter service that can help you plan, book, and enjoy your trips around the world. We are experts for your home all over the world in tourism, studying abroad, and volunteering in another country!

A globe-trotter service is not the same as a travel agency. A travel agency focuses on the logistics, while a globe-trotter service focuses on the experience. A globe-trotter service provides personalized and customized travel solutions that suit your preferences, interests, and goals. A globe-trotter service also offers expert advice, tips, and recommendations to help you discover the best destinations, activities, and attractions for your trips.

At GIC, we offer a unique and comprehensive globe-trotter service that can help you fulfill your travel dreams. We have a team of passionate and experienced globe-trotters who have traveled to over 100 countries and regions. We work with you to understand your travel style, budget, and expectations. We also provide you with access to exclusive deals, discounts, and perks from our network of partners and suppliers.

Our globe-trotter service includes:


  • Travel planning: We help you design and create your ideal travel itinerary based on your desired destinations, duration, and dates. We also help you research and book your flights, hotels, transportation, and tours.
  • Travel support: We provide you with 24/7 assistance and support before, during, and after your trips. We also help you with any issues or emergencies that may arise, such as visas, passports, insurance, health, safety, and more.
  • Travel community: We connect you with other like-minded travellers who share your passion and curiosity for the world. We also organize and host events, meetups, and activities for our globe-trotter members and guests.
  • Travel education: We help you learn and grow as a traveller and as a person. We offer various language lessons, resources, courses, and workshops to help you improve your travel skills, knowledge, and awareness.

We are more than just a globe-trotter service. We are a community of travellers, adventurers, and learners who share a common vision and mission. We are here to help you travel better, smarter, happier, and as your cheerleader! We accompany you to distant countries, and you dive into foreign cultures with us. With GIC at your side, you get to know yourself and the world better.

Contact us today and find out how we can help you with your globe-trotter service needs. We look forward to travelling with you! 🌎

                                                                                    VOLUNTEERING NEWS! 

• Our 2023–2024 volunteering and exchange programs in Canada, the UK, Australia/New Zealand are currently open for applications. Citizens of southern American countries are highly encouraged to apply.
• Program duration is 8 months – 12 months
• Includes food (3X daily), accommodation, and monthly stipends.
• The age range is 18 years and above.

Get in touch with us for more details.