Responsible Consumption and Production: Transformative Practices for Climate-conscious Businesses

Welcome to the international conference on “Responsible Consumption and Production: Transformative Practices for Climate-conscious Businesses.” In a time when the consequences of unsustainable consumption and production patterns are increasingly evident, it is imperative for businesses to transform their practices and prioritize climate consciousness. This conference aims to unite industry leaders, innovators, and experts to explore and share transformative approaches that businesses can adopt to drive responsible consumption and production. Together, we will delve into sustainable solutions that not only reduce environmental impact but also foster economic growth, ensure social inclusion, and promote sustainable development. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey towards a future where businesses take the lead in fostering a sustainable and climate-resilient world.



Location: Canada-Ontario

Time: TBA

Registration Fee: USD$200

NB: Accommodation, flight and personal cost are not included in the registration fee.